Ons Team // Paula Riveros Duarte

Paula Riveros Duarte
Bekkenfysiotherapeut i.o.
I enjoy helping patients with complaints, that for many are still seen as a taboo.
Pelvic (floor) health has a high impact on quality of life because it is closely linked to intimacy, self esteem and self confidence. Pelvic floor symptoms are still as a taboo and are difficult to talk about. I am passionate about empowering patients at all stages of life to understand and connect with their pelvis, and therefore to function better as a whole.
I obtained my physiotherapy bachelor from Saxion Universities in 2010. After working in different countries and settings as a general physiotherapist, I became interested in pregnancy related disorders. I then realized that my knowledge as a general physiotherapist was not quite enough to help these patients further. This is how I discovered pelvic physiotherapy and decided to specialize on it. I am currently on my last year of the masters pelvic physiotherapy at SOMT University.
I have been treating patients with pelvic disorders since 2014 in the Netherlands and in the UAE. I can genuinely say that I am fascinated by the pelvic floor and the pelvic organs and how they influence each other. I enjoy helping patients with complaints, that for many are still seen a a taboo.